The AMA issued a new report regarding medical malpractice cases. The latest information reveals that 95 claims are filed for every 100 doctors- approximately 1 per doctor.
Even though more than 66% of suits are dismissed, it is obvious that the cost to malpractice premiums will continue to escalate and these statistics encourage healthcare workers to practice defensive medicine in order to protect themselves from legal action.
J. James Rohack, MD, the Past-President of the AMA and practicing cardiologist from Texas states: “This litigious climate hurts patients’ access to physician care at a time when the nation is working to reduce unnecessary healthcare costs. Unfortunately, there are no real surprises in this study for us,” “It reconfirms the need for a solution to our current tort system. If the nation is ever going to control the rise in healthcare buy inhalers for asthma costs, we have to eliminate wasteful defensive medicine spending.”
According to a 2006 study in the New England Journal of Medicine (2006; 354:2024-2033), a full quarter of compensated claims had no medical error involved.
So, as I have stressed before, (and as many have confirmed) the real issue is that you cannot effectively lower the cost of healthcare or have healthcare reform, without tort reform.
It seems that legislators are going to have to stand strong against the legal system and their brethren. Take your hands out of your pockets to truly make an impact on the cost of healthcare.
As long as the tort system is not amended, healthcare will be astronomical in cost- a price that is too heavy for most of us.
Wouldn’t you agree?