Knowing what to do in preparation for a natural disaster is paramount to surviving and thriving. In view of Hurricane Irene having packed her punch along the eastern seacoast of the U.S. this week,I am bringing you the helpful tips provided by Hon. Nancy Harvey Steorts. Please view it below. Having a copy of this will help when the next disaster strikes.
Are You Prepared for Hurricane Irene or Another Natural Disaster?
Safety recommendations from Hon. Nancy Harvey Steorts: Former Chairman, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, author, Your Home Safe Home and Safe Living In A Dangerous World
1. Prepare for Specific Natural Disaster…..different weather emergencies require different preparation.
2. Have a personal Evacuation Plan, which you have discussed as a family.
3. Listen for Evacuation Notices from the National Weather Service.
4. Listen to a NOAA radio for weather specifics. Have enough batteries, in case of electrical outage.
5. Prepare an emergency supply kit, with supplies for at least 5 days…..water, food, medicines, first-aid supplies, etc.
6. Do not evacuate, unless told to do so. Stay away from windows.
7. Unplug all small applicances, including computer, to prevent electrical surges.
8. Prepare food ahead of time, get some dry ice, to keep it fresh.
9. Fill bath tub and pans with water, in case you need fresh water after the storm.
10. Know you area’s storm history, so you can prepare yourself, and your family for unexpected problems
11. Bring in all outside furniture, outdoor decorations, or anything that could be picked up by the wind. This would include plants that are in containers.
12. If there is time, caulk any holes on the outside of the house, where water could come in. Get sand bags to be put in from of the doors, where water could come in.
13. Check windows, to be sure they are tight. Especially, check skylights….There may have been Earthquake damage. BE SURE THEY ARE CAULKED AND REPAIRED.
14. Close the chimney vents.
15. Stay inside the house, away from all doors and windows.
16. Have a family communication plan, so that there is an out of the area contact everyone can call, in case cell phone coverage with-in the area is not operative.
17. Check all outside drains, to be sure they are not clogged.
18. Have a buddy system within your neighborhood, so that everyone has someone who is checking up on them to be sure they are safe.
19. IF you are evacuated, do NOT return HOME, until local officials tell you it is safe to do so.
20. For more information, consult, the National Weather Service, ( and the American Red Cross. (
Make a copy of this and place it in an area where you have access to it for easy referral.
To your health,
The Medical Strategist