Implementation of EHR systems Won’t Curb Healthcare Costs- So What Purpose Does it Serve? The Medical Strategist2012-10-02T08:57:09+00:00 In a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, Stephen Soumerai -- a professor of population medicine at Implementation of EHR systems Won’t Curb Healthcare Costs- So What Purpose Does it Serve?The Medical Strategist2012-10-02T08:57:09+00:00
Adopt EHR or else- Unveiled Threats for Progress The Medical Strategist2010-06-30T20:11:17+00:00 Rewarding healthcare facilities and physicians with reimbursement incentives to convert records to an electronic Adopt EHR or else- Unveiled Threats for ProgressThe Medical Strategist2010-06-30T20:11:17+00:00