It stands to reason that if you want to spread the important messages that you have for patients and prospective patients, you have to actually reach them. A good way to do this is on mobile with an app. of your own.
Having an app with an icon on their phones, keeps you on the minds of those you want to reach and engage with.
Mobile apps build reliability and Consistency
How many of your colleagues or competitors have apps? Exactly- it is rare. They may have mobile presence if patients go onto their site and can now view it on their smartphone or mobile device, but you, my friends are blazing new grounds of success by having an app of your own.
While users don’t have to have the app to reach content, offering simultaneous one-touch accessibility and hand-held, small-screen intimacy of mobile apps stimulate loyalty among users, particularly when capabilities like push notifications, geo-targeting and rich media are used.
But, do you know who is most likely of your prospective patients to engage with your app?
That’s where comes in. AppAnnie has in-depth data on interests and usage patterns in addition to competitive strategies and trends in the market.
How to use App Annie for free
Get Discovered
Increase your visibility and boost organic app usage by using the most effective keywords. AppAnnie helps you in the selection of keywords that work best for you, showing both search volume for these words or phrases and keyword ranking to help growth of your prospective patients and clients.

Track & Measure Activity, then Refine Your Campaigns
Here are a few top-level insights from the report on what exactly makes mobile apps so integral to many successful marketing strategies.
Regardless of age, location or motivations of users, data confirms that once they have apps on their smartphones, they use them. Mobile apps even the playing field among users because behaviors among them are relatively similar upon adoption. So whether you are a solo practitioner or a large hospital facility, it doesn’t matter when it comes to visibility and engagement of patients. Once users have smartphones, they’ll spend the majority of their time in apps. The data shows that of the total time they spend either on the mobile web or in apps, up to 92% of their time is spent engaged with the latter.
There’s something alluring about the broad range of options with apps versus the mobile web that makes it particularly potent. With access not only a phone, but also GPS, a camera, and touch ID, mobile app developers are envisioning ever better user experiences that can both surprise and delight, and offer the convenience of a quick sequence of taps.
It’s reached the point where people expect apps they download to incorporate smartphone hardware. Why shouldn’t it be yours!!
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