OK, you’ve collected data with contests, sign-ins and promotions…now what?

Hopefully you are now implementing social media for engagement with patients and prospective clients but what strategies have you planned for the data that you have painstakingly collected?

5 Steps for your Data Implementation Strategies

 1) Analyze the Data and Learn from it

Scrutinize your data with objectivity.  Look at your responses.  Where they much less than other newsletters or email campaigns?  If so, this may not be a topic that your viewers are interested in.  Focus on subjects that your patients have expressed an interest in or ones you have had a great response to.  Consider asking questions in response to your articles and see how many comply.

2)  Ask for Comments,Reviews and Feedback

With reviews and rating sites playing a greater role in physician selection now, garnering good reviews will put you in higher standing along with drawing more attention to your site.  Ask for feedback on your products and services.  If you are able to get a good testimonial for use on your website and other marketing materials, even better!  Just remember to ask the patient for use of her name and permission to use the testimonial or feedback that he/she is providing to you for your website, brochures and social media sites.

Use one of the email addresses you have collected from your followers to send a form asking questions about their service and what they liked or didn’t like about your services.  You will be able not only to understand the feedback but will be able to alter your practice to rectify the problem.  Chances are if one person has a recommendation to change, other patients have considered this as well. 

3) Educate

People look to you as a professional, for information.  They want solutions to problems that they are struggling with.  They may want to read about the latest medical breakthroughs or new devices and procedures for conditions that they are suffering from.  Providing this information and educating your readers will increase your “fan base”, strengthen your name recognition, maintain your current patients (without someone else wooing them away) and attract prospective patients. Additional opportunities for educating your patients are:

  • eBooks
  • Publishing articles
  • White papers/ guides
  • Forums/chat rooms
  • Content Marketing
  • Instagram images and videos
  • Infographics
  • Digital newsletter (Ezine)

Don’t forget to add a call to action on your educational pieces.  This may take the form of:

  • Sign-ups for your newsletters
  • Call for an appointment
  • Engagement or “liking” on social media site

4)  Keep the Conversation Going

You’ve taken the time to post on a forum site or a blog which has gotten responses.  Don’t ignore them!  Instead, validate them, their interest and the time it took them to correspond with you.  Reply (as long as it is not a specific personal question/problem).  This will open the conversation for others to enter.  If the question is of a personal nature, advise the patient to make an appointment in the office to further investigate the condition.

5) Run an Email Marketing Campaign

A study performed by  McKinsey & Company found that email is nearly 40 times better than Facebook and Twitter at acquiring clients.  The most effective emails and the ones that get the most notice are birthday emails (75%)
, Transactional emails (74%) and Mobile opt-ins (76%)

Offer something exclusive for those patients or individuals that opt-in.  The offer may take the form of a tip sheet or answers to the most common questions in the practice.  You can also create a small eBook on a topic that your patients and prospective clients may be interested in. Make sure that the topic is in alignment with your services.


Having problems with the steps above.  Contact me for a free consultation at 561-325-9664