Are you saying that you are in the health business, not the marketing business?  Nowadays, everybody is in the marketing business, regardless of the type of business you have.   It’s the way that you let people know that your business/practice exists, where it is located, what type of clients/patients you service and what your actual service is.  If you don’t jump into the marketing game (or at least have others do it on your behalf), you will not exist for the majority of people that are looking for your services.

Not a good success story for your practice’s future, is it?

Content marketing has proven to be the way to grow your practice, increase the number of prospective patients and drive traffic to your website. But…..

How Do YOU know if your Content Marketing Works?

There are many statistics published  demonstrating the efficacy of content marketing (analytics- metrics) and whether each one of your attempts is successful or bombs. The reason why you would want to pay attention to the metrics is simple- it lets you know where you should be spending your time or marketing budget, and what you should kick to the curb.  Every technique will not work for everyone because the people you are trying to attract differs from others.  It is crucial that you are familiar with your audience, where they like to hang out on the web and where they do not go.

Here are some reasons why content marketing is crucial for you

(Gartner) Traditional advertising is becoming extinct

Many businesses are concentrating on content marketing and doing away with traditional advertising.  Nearly  28% of marketers admit to producing an increasing amount of content at the expense of traditional advertising and decreasing their advertising budgets.  This is evident in the number of magazines and newspapers that are folding each day and relying more on their mobile apps instead.


(Stratabeat Decision-makers preference

Eight out of every ten executives and business owners prefer to obtain information about you by reading articles rather than advertisements. Article marketing or publishing articles with your keywords on a regular basis puts you upfront and center when they are looking for services that not only you provide but your competitors as well.  This gets you noticed above them.

(eMarketer) Daily Output

Two thirds of marketers are putting out a minimum of one type of content each day

(Ibid.) Marketers will concentrate mainly on content in the future

Nearly 81% of marketers say that they plan to use more content in their campaigns as time goes on.

(Curata) Feeding Your Audience

Your prospective patients and clients are looking for your content. More than 3/4 of buyers for your services value white papers in making a decision

(DemandGen) Trust

A whopping 95% of Business to business markets look at content as trustworthy when assessing a business with its products and services.

(Lenati) Content Makes an Impact

Online content has had a major impact on decision making for 90% of service buyers.  This goes for patients looking for medical care providers as well.

(LookBookHQ) Content is Evergreen

Content can be repurposed in many different ways and forms (as long as a date is not included in the information). Sixty percent of marketers reuse their content from two to five times.

(DemandMetric) You Get More than Your Money’s worth!

Content Marketing provides extraordinary return on investment and is extremely cost-effective compared to traditional marketing.  Content marketing produces triple the number of leads with 62% less expense.


(HubSpot) Increased return of Investment is long-term

Organic searches online consistently increases traffic to blog posts over time. (compounding).  One compounding blog post brings in as much traffic as 6 regular blog posts! 38% of all blog traffic is generated by each compounding blog post!


(SnapApp) Interaction

Your prospective and current clients/patients want to know you better.  If you don’t have your personality shine through, and they are not engaged with you, you’ve lost them. Interactive content is becoming bigger every day and 3 out of every 4 content marketers plan to up their budgets to create more interactive content this year.



(Contently) Do what the Big Guys do!

Even the largest global brands recognize that the future is in content marketing.  Take Coca Cola for instance.  Their budget is larger for creating content than on television advertising. According to Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs 88% of B2B marketers in North America use content marketing as part of their wider digital strategies.

According to the Social Media Examiner  content is such a tremendous asset to organizations that 58% of marketers deem their written content as their most valuable asset, even beating out videos and infographics.



Care to Get Into the Action?


(Aberdeen Group) Content is explosive!

For those brands and businesses effectively using content marketing, conversion rates are six times higher. The difference between those that do and those that don’t are   2.9% vs. 0.5%, respectively. So, are you going to get left behind?

Call 561-325-9664 and we can get you started with a content marketing plan!