Have you asked yourself “How do I reach my ideal patients online?”
Sure, you want to connect with your current patients, but perhaps you would like to attract prospective patients as well to beef up your practice, your reputation, and your bottom line.
A good website, complete with optimization for the search engines, is a great start but then you need to attract thousands of people in your target market on a regular basis- all while vying for the same people that your competition is trying to get. You know who they are- your medical colleagues down the block, around the corner and the practice in the next building. Even offices of nurse practitioners want the patients that you may already have.
So, here’s the key to accomplishing this goal…find the sites where your ideal patients gather- the online HUBS.
People are looking for solutions to their problems on line, whether it be in forums, chat rooms or professional sites. They are fishing for the authorities that can help them out. That is the next cheap ventolin inhalers sale doctor that they want to go to. It’s the doctor that will actually listen to what they have to say, validate their feelings and opinions, and respond accordingly.
YOU can be that person!
Connect with your ideal patients in these hot spots, where they are already present. Invite them to your website for more value. Offer a free report or a tip sheet of the most FAQs that come up in your practice over the recent course of time. Don’t forget- you can also let them know what your social media addresses are so that they can connect with you there. You can also refer them to a blog post where you have addressed the topic that they want to learn more about.
You do engage patients on social media sites; don’t you?
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See you at the next post!