Here’s 5 content marketing tips and actionable steps you can take right away:

  1. Enjoy it!

Have fun and enjoy each project you become involved with. You’re value is in providing solutions to problems that people are struggling with…and that has to make you proud!

2. Delve into Research

If you’re not already an expert on the topic at hand, become one! Do plenty of research so that you can discuss all the ins and outs of the products or services in a way that avoids any confusion to your audience. Find out the information that the creator of the product has, the testimonials and what the market is talking about in relation to the service or product you are highlighting.

3.Survey your Peeps

Find out how people feel that use the products and services as well as their pain points. Develop your own focus group.  SurveyMonkey is a great way to do this online.

4. Question your clients

Discover the demographics of the people using the products and services.  What is the incentive or reason for them to do so? Consider what bonuses the clients are willing to add and which ones the consumers or patients would want. Everyone wants a free gift for subscribing or using the products/services.

5. Go Team

Sure, you should be innovative and have your own creative ideas, but utilize the ideas and strengths of the team as well.  Everyone has their own slant and ideas that you can incorporate into your project to make it the most effective.

If your client is happy with the end product and you’ve acted professionally and ethically, it is now time to promote yourself.  Ask if there are other projects that the client has or if there are other clients that they can refer you to.

Solved and Done!

Consider expanding the project by adding video scripts or podcasts.  Your client may not have considered it before but find it “just the ticket” and another solution to a problem that people have been struggling with.

Need help with your projects?  No worries. Outsource them. Contact an we can discuss your needs.  Get a free consultation.