Delivery of traditional healthcare has essentially been unchanged for generations…until now!
The cause for this dynamic change is telemedicine (aka telehealth). It enables physicians to reach even the most remote areas as long as they have an internet connection and provide quality care to far-flung areas of the globe. Telemedicine is evening out the playing field, providing the medical solutions to everyone and broadening its reach.
According to a survey performed by Aeris, 158 leading health professionals and thought leaders were asked to assess telemedicine in terms of implementation, acceptance and growth.
- Four in ten respondents felt incorporation of telemedicine into their organization was paramount
- 35% cited it as important
- 15% regarded it as not immediately important but a fast-growing investment area
- A mere 4% considered telemedicine unimportant for their organization and the wider industry
- 32% had already deployed a telemedicine solution for their healthcare organization
- 17% were in the process of deploying
- 22% were in the process of creating a telemedicine solution, and another 22% of the respondents
- were considering investments in telemedicine solutions but had not yet initiated telemedicine projects
- A mere 7% suggested that telemedicine solutions were not relevant or needed at their healthcare organization
It’s no small wonder that the use of Telemedicine is taking off. Rather than patients having to travel to a medical practice or health facility, wait and receive a diagnostic examination with treatment followed by repeat visits, telemedicine allows patients to get personalized and quality healthcare without the travel, time and expense. This benefits both the patients, doctors, healthcare providers, clinics, emergency centers and hospitals. A hidden benefit is that the infection rate is lowered since their is less exposure to public infections and germs.
Tomorrow we will touch on the topic of “wearables” which are becoming more widespread and acceptable to monitor individuals at home. (E.g. popularity of Fitbit and iWatch). See you at the next post!