In this episode, Barbara and Danijela discuss:

  • Why use Feng Shui for business success and growth
  • How Danijela discovered the power of Feng Shui
  • How to use Feng Shui to attract clients

Key Takeaways:

I love to go out and really teach people what’s hidden behind Feng Shui because I feel there is so much misconception behind it.” – Danijela Saponjic.

Connect with Danijela Saponjic:







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14 Tactics to Triple Sales
Power to the Patient: The Medical Strategist


Dr. Barbara Hales: Welcome to another episode of Marketing Tips for Doctors.

I’m your host, Dr. Barbara Hales. Today, we have a very exciting episode. We have Danijela Saponjic, an esteemed Feng Shui and space healing master. With over 20 years of experience as the founder and CEO of Unfolding Space and the Space Healing Method in her School of Spiritual Design, she teaches aspiring practitioners to tap into their intuitive abilities and create balanced spaces. This is a really exciting episode for me today because it’s not something that you hear very frequently. With a little bit of effort, it could really change things around.

Welcome to the show, Daniela.

Danijela Saponjic: Thank you so much for having me, Barbara.

Feng Shui for Business Success and Growth

Dr. Barbara Hales: Tell us, how can you create a space for business success and business growth using Feng Shui?

Danijela Saponjic: Well, as you know, Feng Shui has been around for over 5000 years. The principles are very powerful, even when used in small doses. It’s about paying attention to how the life force energy, or Chi, is flowing through your space and focusing on harmonizing the Chi to be calm and balanced. You don’t need to know much about Feng Shui, it’s more about taking a moment to tune into the energy of the space. Take a few deep breaths, then you’ll feel in your body, whether the energy is calm or if it’s flowing too fast. You’ll feel how your body reacts to it. In accordance with that, you can open your eyes and really look at the space to see what could be affecting the energy, whether it’s speeding up or if it’s unclear or not harmonious. In fact, it’s usually the small steps that can bring you success in Feng Shui.

Dr. Barbara Hales: Can you give us a story of how you went into an office that was really failing to attract a large number of patients and clients, and after using Feng Shui in the office, you were able to turn things around?

Danijela Saponjic: Yes, some years ago, I had a dentist, a lady who approached me. She moved into a new office and didn’t have appointments booked, which was very unusual for a dentist in her area of work. So we went there. The first thing I noticed was that the entrance was not very clear; people didn’t know where to enter. Although it seems logical to us, from a Feng Shui view, it’s not because it works with our subconscious mind. So, the first steps we took were to really mark the entrance for the patients and create a calming energy in the waiting room where people could relax. Especially in the field of dentistry, patients are often excited or even fearful, and these emotions can accumulate.

However, after the changes, patients started returning because they felt calm when they entered the office. This, in turn, sparked word-of-mouth referrals about how calming the dentist’s office was. It wasn’t just about the dentist visits itself, but about the overall experience – from entering the office to spending time there, and then leaving. That’s the emotion that stuck with them. Of course, we also focused on different team-building aspects and took care of any emotions that got stuck in the space with space healing methods, transforming them into a positive experience. It was an overall experience that we created with Feng Shui.

Unlocking Feng Shui

Dr. Barbara Hales: That is a real bonus, to be able to go to the dentist and feel calm, that’s not something many can claim. Often, when people think of Feng Shui, they associate it with interior decorating for a home, or something related to decor. How did you discover or get into the use of Feng Shui for professional use?

Danijela Saponjic: The interesting thing is, it’s not just about the layout of the furniture. It’s so much more than moving furniture around. I don’t know if you have ever had the experience of moving a desk a little bit to the left or the right, and all of a sudden, it feels like there is a click in the energy of the space, making the whole space look different. That’s the magic of Feng Shui you can experience. It’s so much more than just putting up some decoration, it’s really about finding that special click in the energy field so that everything brightens up and shines.

Dr. Barbara Hales: Interesting, and something that most of us should consider looking into. Now, you say that harnessing the power of Feng Shui is the ultimate tool and the game-changing USP. Could you tell us about that?

Danijela Saponjic: Yes, because I feel that, especially in the field of spirituality, we have made so much progress in the areas of mindfulness and calmness. We work so much on the personal level, on the mind and body, but what about the space? There is so much potential we are not using to create mindfulness and relaxation in our lives. I see a huge gap there, there’s still a vast potential not being tapped into, to create and harness this power. This is the special, game-changing aspect that is still missing in many lives and businesses.

Dr. Barbara Hales: Would you suggest that if a doctor is looking to purchase or rent a space, even before they establish their office location, they should hire a Feng Shui expert as a consultant to consider which location would work best for them in terms of Feng Shui? Or would it be too late to start Feng Shui after the location is selected? Do you think doctors and other professionals should start with a Feng Shui expert even before they select their office space?

Danijela Saponjic: Yes, the earlier you start, the better. I always say when you start looking for a space, involve a Feng Shui consultant. Then you can rule out some spaces which might not be auspicious. For example, if an office’s entrance is not visible or it’s behind a corner, it might not be the right one because patients won’t find you easily. The Chi won’t find you, and Chi brings patients, wealth, and abundance to your space. Once you have the right office, why not arrange the furniture in the Feng Shui way, which is very natural? It won’t be something impractical or outlandish. I often hear from businesses, “What if I implement Feng Shui, and it’s just not practical?” I always take this into consideration. I ask them how they work, what’s important to them, how the offices need to be arranged, and so on. When I get this information, that’s when I start weaving in Feng Shui so that we can get the best of both worlds. This is where the magic happens.

The Beginning of a Journey

Dr. Barbara Hales: Well, that sounds pretty exciting. How did you got involved in Feng Shui, to begin with?

Danijela Saponjic: This is a very interesting story. When I was 24, I had just finished studying economics at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. I was young, eager, and keen on entering the field of marketing. However, because I was young and had a child, I found it difficult to find a job. Then, quite coincidentally, I read about how decluttering your space could change your life. At first, I dismissed this idea, thinking that changes in your environment could not possibly lead to life changes. However, when nothing seemed to improve in my situation, I remembered this concept.

Dr. Barbara Hales: By the way, I find it extremely unusual when a mom with a young child can actually declutter their place with everything going on. So decluttering in that situation really requires extra superpowers.

Danijela Saponjic: Absolutely, but it was worth it. My husband and I decluttered our small apartment over the weekend. On Monday and Tuesday, we received the news we had been waiting for half a year. At that moment, I saw a connection and my curiosity was piqued. That was in early spring, and by autumn, I started my Feng Shui training. That was 20 years ago.

Dr. Barbara Hales: Since you have become somewhat of a master of Feng Shui and specialized in working with professional offices, how do you personally get the word out? How do you market yourself so that other people get to know you and you increase your visibility?

Danijela Saponjic: I’m also a teacher, and I love educating people about the depths of Feng Shui as there are many misconceptions surrounding it. It’s not merely about placing something in a corner, Feng Shui is much more in-depth. My marketing focus is on teaching and creating curiosity about this topic. To build deep connections with my audience, I use email marketing. This way, they get to learn from me, connect with me, and eventually book consultations or enroll in my certifications.

A Glimpse into Danijela’s Books

Dr. Barbara Hales: Has your book been published yet?

Danijela Saponjic: Yes, I have written four books, but they are currently only available in German. I am working on my English book at the moment.

Dr. Barbara Hales: Well, I guess we can look forward to that coming out next.

Danijela Saponjic: Absolutely.

Dr. Barbara Hales: In German, what are the books?

Danijela Saponjic: I have two books on Feng Shui for offices, a card deck on how to declutter with joy, and another book about creating spaces where your visions can become reality. This last one is my signature book.

Dr. Barbara Hales: We certainly need that information. I suggest you get a translator so that we in the English-speaking world can get our hands on it.

Danijela Saponjic: Oh, thank you so much. Absolutely.

Dr. Barbara Hales: This has been a wonderful learning experience. Thank you so much for being with us today. This has been another episode of Marketing Tips for Doctors with your host, Dr. Barbara Hales. Until next time.